Well another week has flown by. Today has been a bit frustrating. My earpiece on my glasses broke and I so my view of the world is a bit cockeyed. Makes more eyestrain than usual and corresponding headache.
I have pulled out a couple of older projects. I'm tired of having so many UFOs hanging about. They clutter up the studio and my brain. This one is a modern piece I did at a sewing machine dealer class. It just needs borders. I put up several choices. Which one do you like best.
I think it needs a small black border to start with. If I use the mottled black that is in the geese I'll have to piece it because I have very little left.
This one I've shown on the blog before. I still need to add the borders. This curved piecing was a lot of work and I have been disappointed in it. I just didn't put enough contrast in the fabric choices to make it visually interesting. Up close it is OK. I just need to finish it and move on. The quilting may help pull it together.
Here's a closeup shot. It has a very African feel. The masks fabric is an African one.
I have been working on blocks from an old BOM that I designed when I had the shop. They are in 30s prints. It's amazing how I have pulled fabrics from the 30s bin for 2 bed size tops and it has not made a noticeable dent and the bin isn't a very deep one.
Moving on to today's news... the Winners as selected in a set of Random Intergers:
Congrats to: #23 GranChris
#29 Jusmom1
and #34 Margaret
I'll get your prizes in the mail as soon as I get all the contact info from you.
Thanks again to all my wonderful Followers! Your comments and encouragement keep me going and give me many smiles.
Linking with: Patchwork Times and Anything Goes Monday and Linky Tuesday and Fabric Tuesday