Finds mark the archer little meant!
And many a word at random spoken
May soothe, or wound, a heart that's broken!
Sir Walter Scott
I've been trying to go through my old posts and make a list of things I've said I would share with you. There are several new tutorials coming, please be patient. I thought I'd share some of my recent fiber acquisitions with you today. I'll start with my favorite batiks, of course!
Somewhere in the future there is a quilt with greens and neutral batiks that will spring forth from the depths of my brain. I've quite a stockpile of the necessary ingredients now.
These butterflies flew right into my hands. I don't buy too many large scale prints but this one had some of my favorite colors. The butterflies are huge, hand size or slightly larger. The folded ones on top are half yard cuts. The one on the right is more blue than the photo shows (the gold is reflecting too much) and looks like a microscopic view of butterfly wings to me.
This might look nice on a door in my studio. I haven't done many 'just for the fun of it' projects on this scale.
Then there are all these little ladies that followed me home from Maryland via Massachusetts. Did you guess right?
I haven't been able to get a full shot of it that I like yet. I'll wait till it's quilted. Why did I buy it? I'm not too sure. Pink is NOT my color, I've never been overly fond of Sunbonnet Sue, (I could tell you a tale about a guild quilt of one I helped put together once, shudder). It is in really good shape. There is a number stamped on one block (auction stamp?) that I hope will wash out. It has only a few spots and they may come out in the wash. The applique edges are all neatly turned under and then stitched around with a black outline stitch. The setting is unusual, 5 blocks across but only 4 down. The price was a little more than I'd have liked, $79 but compared to some of the quilts I shared HERE it was a steal.
I think this might be the Dutch Girl version of Sue. She has pointed wooden shoes.
I shared a close up shot of this on my Quilter's Favorite Post. Did you notice it or guess what is was? When I saw it in the Mass MoCA gift shop it just had to come home with me. It's the perfect prop for a presentation about color! I just love it!
Does the shape look familiar? |
How about the other side. |
This was the outside of the Seneca Cannery Antiques shop where I found the quilt top. I just love old stone buildings like this one. The round object is a gear or cog of some sort.
Happy Birthday Misty! I know, it's time for a haircut. |
Karen, over at Sew Many Ways has been having a Birthday Linky Party for her dog Annie. May is Misty's birth month also, I don't know the day. I think she is 9. I have it written down somewhere. The years pass to fast to keep up sometimes. LOL She was 7 months old when I got her. I'll have to post another prettier picture after grooming next week.
So, Happy Birthday to Annie and Misty! I hope you have many more!
What do you think about my Suebonnet Sue top? Would you have bought it or do you hate the pattern? Did you know that was an umbrella in the earlier post? Would you have bought it? Do you use a Color Wheel when selecting fabrics for quilts?
I'm sharing my Randomness today with you and linking with Really Random Thursday and Sew Many Ways.