What! You, too? I thought I was the only one.
C. S. Lewis
I had to get out and see what was happening at A Scarlet Thread Quilt Shop. I'd never been there but had wanted to go for several years. If the name sounds familiar it was featured in the May edition of Quilt Sampler. You can read about it there or click on the link above. It is about 25 miles from me and in a direction that I just don't normally have a reason to roam. I found a few quilting friends to go with me and we made a day of it. The shop was lovely and huge!
I have had a Block of Month Pattern that I really like since before I closed the shop and I have looked off and on, when I thought about it, for some background material for it. I think I found some that will do and a few others for flowers and leaves. They are all Batiks of course.
I really love Batiks! |
The ones fanned out at the top are from a bundle of 1/2 yard cuts. The greens are a 5 yard bundle and then a few fat quarters for another project that's underway. But they are all laying on 8 yards of such a beautiful blue! Ahhhh!!!! It takes me to 'My Happy Place'. OK I know... but that's what my 26 year old says.
Who could resist? Chickens and Chocolate! |
Then I saw these fun pieces and had to have a little of them. Some no calorie Truffles, they look so real that I want to go get some of the real ones (and there is a ice cream and candy shop on the square in town that sells them) and some chickens to add to a stack of chicken fabrics that
Then it was time for lunch. We found a nice restaurant on the square in McDonough that was just right. While there is was decided to go on to another shop that my friends had never been to in Jonesboro, Quilts and Fixins. I had been there several times, Jean opened her shop a few years after I opened mine and we used to see each other at Shop Hop planning meetings. She and her Mother would also visit my shop sometimes.
Can't have too many tools! |
Since by then I'd had as much of a fabric fix as I could afford for the day I found some more tools! I am something of a notions freak. I found a 60 degree corner cut by Alicia's Attic. It will help trim those triangle tips down. I want to make a tumbler quilt (yes, I know I just quilted ONE but I didn't make it and I want to have smaller tumblers in mine) and I am a fan of Marti Michelle's tools. I have a lot of them. When I had the shop I ran several of her BOMs that used them. I placed it on a sheet of paper so you could see it better.
After that stop, we headed for home. Our newest quilting friend shared some wonderful blueberries from her yard with us. I made a pie with them last night. DELICIOUS!! It was a good day! When you get a day to explore quilt shops what do you bring home? Tools, fabric, books, patterns or something else.
Just found your blog and love your projects! I usually buy books and fabric when I visit a quilt shop. Love your batiks! So pretty! I think I'm your newest follower. Hope you check out my blog too!