Friday, March 8, 2013

Beat the Winter Blues – Quilters’ Blog Hop Party

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. 
Victor Hugo

Are you ready for Spring?  Maybe you just love winter and cold and snow and don't care if it hangs on a little longer.  Here in Georgia we have had some of our coldest days of the Winter in the last week or so.  I don't mind the cold so much but my husband hates it.  

We haven't seen any snow this year unless you count the few random flakes that fell and disappeared as they hit the ground.  Snow in the South is always a celebration or Holiday for us in the deep South.  Schools and many businesses close down and grocery stores sell out of staples within hours.  Although it seldom happens, when we get enough snow to build a Snowman it is a big event!!  It still could happen this year, although I have my doubts.  The biggest snow storms of my lifetime have ALWAYS happened in March or April.

Thanks to Michelle from the Quilting Gallery for hosting the Blog Hop Party and Giveaway.  There are well over a 120 blogs participating so you have the next few days to sign up for a chance at a lot of prizes.  If you haven't stopped here at my blog before I hope you will take a few minutes to poke around and get to know me.  I have some things that I've done in the last year that I think you will enjoy.

So what am I giving away today?  I thought some happy SNOW related gifts.  I will choose 3 random winners from comments.  I found another copy of this great book.  If you like snowmen or log cabin quilts you will love it.  One of you will win it.

Front Cover

Back Cover

Here is the second prize.  Snowbound by Bee Creative is a nice winter landscape with either a church or barn.  A second person will win it.

I have some cute fabric for a third giveaway.  This print is called Snowballs.  Winner will receive a one yard cut.

Giveaway is closed.


  1. Until I started blogging most of my quilty inspiration came from magazines, but now there is so much to inspire on blogs and Flickr I am spoiled for choice :)

  2. I get inspired online but plan with paper and pencil

  3. I'm a pattern person and have no problem finding an abundance of them to be inspired by!

  4. I usually start with a pattern from a book or magazine. Most often just look at the photo and do my own thing to try to look like that without reading the directions, because reading directions is not my idea of a fun time. LOL. For my art quilts, one I have drawn and the other was a photograph. My next will also be a photograph.

  5. What wonderful prizes! I generally start by perusing my magazines and books, looking for inspiration. Though I have done a few quilts pretty much like the pattern, most I like to make my own by adding a few twists. I'm not artistic or talented at designing my own, and somewhat spatially dyslexic to boot, so I rely on patterns and directions for the main body of my work.

  6. I've been a follower since your Christmas stocking linky party.

  7. There is so much inspiration for today's quilter. I usually add a few of my own ideas to a pattern

  8. This blog gives me lots of inspiration. They look like nice books. I love quilt books. Thanks for having a give away.

  9. I really use every avenue for my quilting...books, magazines, patterns, EQ7, pen and paper....I get lots of inspiration from fellow quilters as well.

  10. I'm following you and look forward to your future posts

  11. I get ideas from blogs,tutorials,books ,magazine,blog hops ...

  12. I get ideas from blogs and i have EQ 7 that i play around in

  13. I am a follower with GFC and Reader.

  14. Don't have EQ. I like mags but usually patterns are from quilt books, off blog sites, or classes set up at my LQS.

  15. I usually use a pattern from a book or magazine

  16. I am a follower via reader, thank you!

  17. I love the Snowbound pattern! I'm still a new quilter and I love the "old" patterns. I've been making quilts for my family and as I see one I like I decide to make that "one". I start with a pattern and then do whatever I feel like, so it never looks likt the pattern by the time I get done with it!

  18. I am a new follower! I looked through your quilts and I love them!

  19. Thanks for a great give away! I find most of my projects and inspiration by blogs.

  20. When I started quilting, all my inspiration came from books and magazines, but then I discovered quilt blogs. I love my EQ7 software, and if I see a pattern I like, I create my own version in EQ. Most of the time I never actually sew the quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Most of my quilt designs come from the fabric - how to make it look wonderful is always on the top of the list. I find it harder to take a pattern and try to find the right fabric to make it with.

  22. I am happy to use patterns or to create my own with graph paper and pencil. I will usually do something different in the border if I am using a pattern, just because I really like pieced borders! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your great giveaways!

  23. I am a seasoned follower and love getting emails from you and your blog!

  24. I am a happy follower. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on a fantastic draw

  25. I tend to follow patters from books and magazines, mostly. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on a fantastic draw

  26. So far patterns offered as classes in my local quilt shop. Next project will be from an blog.

  27. I use patterns sometimes and sometimes adapt things I see on the web. Thanks for the chance to win any of your prizes.

  28. I using graphing paper to make my own patterns! :)

  29. I love patterns, but then again I come up with some wonderful ideas in my dreams. Then I write them down when I remember the next morning.

  30. I look at pictures and then try it out in fabric. Sometimes it works. Othertimes...well not

  31. The idea is in my head, and then just old fashioned pencil and paper...

  32. My inspirations come from patterns & bloggers like you. I enjoy seeing the color combinations others choose.
    bandkgram (at) hotmail (dot) ca

  33. I love patterns and books. I also subscribe to 8 quilting magazines. name is Pat and I'm a quiltaholic...LOL Thanks sew much for this chance to win your generous giveaway.
    back2loghome (at) yahoo (dot) com

  34. I did design my own hexagon quilt. Other than that one, I find my designs by following others blogs. I look in lots of books and magazines. I love my magazines. I re-read them over and over again. Thank you for a chance in your great giveaway.

  35. I have been following your blog for a while now.

  36. magazines, books and blogging give me my inspiration...thank you for this chance

  37. Inspiration to me comes from magazines and blogs with tutorials. And sometimes I just go with the flo and put stuff together randomly. I do not own any of that expensive software that generates patterns. Thank you for the chance to enter yoru giveawy. That fabric is so darling. Love it.

  38. I am a follower. Looking farward to all the new things comeing to your blog. And looking forward to Spring arriveing.

  39. I use a pattern, either a stand alone purchased pattern or one from a book or magazine. I'm just not comfortable designing my own. I guess I should give it a try. One night at quilt guild, a lady gave a presentation on how she uses her scraps to make quilts for our Hearts and Hands program which gives quilts to needy children and babies. At that time she was using squares and basing them on a 25 match (5X5). She had some wonderful examples. Then she had some flannel boards and blocks that she had made. She had 5 teams of 2ish people come up and design a quilt from the blocks for each quilt. It was a fun night. My friend and I giggled and giggled as we tried to remember how to put some blocks together to just make a pinwheel. I had made a pinwheel before, yet being one of five teams in front of the guild made us more nervous. Thanks for your generous giveaways.

  40. I'm a follower. I am thrilled that you are doing more tutorials. I learn lots from the tutorials. Thanks for blessing us.

  41. I have EQ and don't know how to use it - I know a lot of the standard blocks and the mathmatical equations to change their size, so I design my own the old way - paper and pencil.

  42. from books or blogs. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. My ideas come from blogs and magazines. Thanks for the giveaway.

  44. I love going to quilt shows and studying the quilts that make my heart sing. Thanks for your giveaway and your inspiring blog!

  45. i am new to quilting, so I still follow ideas from a book, magazine or blog idea.

  46. I tend to find something I like, but isn't perfect and then change what I don't like. (I would prefer the fabric if I win something)

  47. Actually I do not work with patterns, love to draw them myself :) Thanks for this great giveaway!

  48. I'm your follower by GFC, Thanks!

  49. I follow tutorials from blogs :D

  50. A few days ago it was 15 degrees celcius, sunny and spring! But now it's cold again and there is even a bit of snow.....brrr. Those loveley books of yours make me smile! Beat winter by winterquiltbooks. Humor! My inspiration comes from books, blogs and magazines!
    Thank you for this great give away!

  51. I use patterns or tutorials that I find on line.

  52. I am a new follower and look forward to finding more tutorials here.

  53. I mostly use patterns I find online
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  54. Mostly I get the ideas from other quiltbloggers. There are so many of you to be inspired of!
    Gun, Sweden

  55. I use patterns from books. I would like to start designing my own.

  56. I find all my inspiration from blogs and magazines. Thanks for the chance!

  57. Very nice and thanks for the chance to win.

  58. My quilt pattern come mostly from serfing the internet and watching youtube of Missiour Star quilting Company.
    Thanks for being part of the fun blog hop. Lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. magazines and books and a little of my own madness Thanks for the giveaway. Becky D.

  60. I am already a follower Thanks again Becky D.

  61. I mostly use patterns from books, although lately, I have seen a lot of quilts on blogs that I would like to make.Thank you for a great giveaway.(I am from Georgia also and would love to see at least a couple of inches before it gets hot.)

  62. I am a new follower through GFC. Thanks again.

  63. I use EQ7 and I get inspiration by visiting blogs from all over the world about quilting.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts

  64. I'm a new quilter so I have so far just used patterns from books. Thanks

  65. I am a real newbie so I have made one quit from a book. One quilt from a pdf pattern. One quilt I just put a bunch of squares together. I really love log cabin quilts. My next quilt will be this. And I really love snowmen and snowwomen. So glad you had a good time with your quilt buddy.

  66. I get ideas everywhere and do use EQ7. I love books and hope I win one though I really love that cute fabric too. What to do? What to do? We're busy sewing samples for market. Sew, sew, sew. Thanks for letting us visit.

  67. I use eq7, books and magazines. I am a new follower.Thank you for the chance and thank you for participating in the hop.

  68. I use pencil and graph paper to design my quilts.

  69. i use my sketchbook as a design source

  70. That fabric is just darling. I tend to either design my own or get patterns from magazines and computers.

  71. Love the snowbound pattern. My inspiration comes from everywhere books, patterns, EQ7, other blogs, my scarce visits to pinterest etc.

    Been a follower for awhile.


  72. I get my patterns from books and magazines and individual patterns. I have the EQ software but have never gotten the hang of it. Probably don't use it enough. I think also seeing an actual picture of a completed quilt helps me out.

  73. I usually look at pictures in quilt books and magazines from time to time, and I PLAN to make the quilts. Then when I am in the workroom, I just choose fabrics, start with one block seems to use the fabric well, and if it works I make more.

  74. I am a regular follower of your blog!

  75. I get ideas from all over, then save them in my head or in a file on the laptop!

  76. I get my ideas from the internet, and then work out colors using graph paper.

  77. I either get my ideas from the internet or books. I haven't done much designing on my own yet. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  78. I'm already a follower via gfc! :)

  79. I look through magazine and on blogs. Sometimes I make up a quilt as I go. I just decide what to do on each round as I get to it.

  80. I look through books and online. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  81. Sometimes I see a quilt and try to make one like, sometimew I design something in EQ7. Thanks for chance to win.

  82. I doodle on notebook paper! :) Thank you for a lovely giveaway!

  83. Hi I am a new follower - by emails.

    Sandi Timmons

  84. I used to get most of my ideas from books (at my MIL's house) but now I mostly get them from blogs. (like yours!)

  85. Love the snow landscape and fun fabrics.
    I usually work from patterns found in catalogs or in my local quilt shop.
    Otherwise, I make quilts up as I go.

  86. I tend to use blogs, books and magazines

  87. I love your giveaways and I get my inspiration from books, friends and the blogs. I also look up patterns from the Internet.

  88. I look at books, magazine, and I very rarely write things down! I know that is bad but I usually get everything together and decide which blocks I will use. Seldom are they from the same quilt Sometimes I just make up a block! I like your giveaway items!

  89. I am a new follower! Yippee!

  90. I have a folder of magazine pages i like, some are quilts some are not, i also draw alot with pencil &only paper. Thank you for offering such a generous prize Coullmills@gmail

  91. I use mostly magazine patterns sometimes I'll buy a quilt pattern. I'm always looking at patterns in books too plus the nice stuff I FIND ON LINE.


  93. Thanks for the chance to win. Snowmen are always cute!

  94. I'm a new follower.... I can't wait to see all of your tutorials.

  95. I'm a brand new quilter so so far all my patterns have come from books, magazines or blogs

  96. I would love to win anything snowy as we don't get snow here in Florida.. kind of miss PAs 4 seasons... but any way, I make lots of quilts for my charity group, they send me counted cross stitch square and I use EQ 7 software to design the quilts.. each one just a little bit different...

  97. I design my own work most of the time, with inspiration from blogs and magazines!

  98. I usually use patterns. I sometimes change them or make up some small patterns for gifts....

  99. Thank you for this chance. hugs

  100. I like to plan out a quilt with graph paper and a pencil. I have been loving this blog hop because it has given me so many ideas and great tutorials on so many of the blogs.

  101. I used to get inspired only by books and magazines, but now its online--through blogs and Pinterest.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  102. I follow via email and GFC.

    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  103. Ich bin noch Anfängerin und muß nach genauen Anleitungen nähen

    Grüße aus Deutschland

  104. I have hand drawn designs, used free graphic designs, paid for some graphic images and I use my EQ7. Thank you for the nice giveaway and the chance to win.

  105. I get my patterns from magazines and quilting blogs!

  106. Old gfc follower: nicolesender

  107. Hi Pat, I get my ideas from old books I find a pattern I like then I start looking for any info about it I can If I can't find anything then I make it as I go. Thanks for a chance to win.

  108. I am a new follower and happy to be one.

  109. I got EQ7 for Xmas last year. I love it! I use it whenever I am not following a pattern or just doing something random... :) amateurquilter at gmail dot com

  110. No EQ for me, at least not yet. I still love to look at books, magazines, and blogs to come up with ideas. Then I doodle on regular or grid paper. I love, love, love the snowballs fabric. It's the first I've seen it. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  111. All my inspiration comes from blogs and quilt-alongs on blogs. I probably spend more time reading and viewing quilts than I do making them!

  112. Mostly I use books or magazines or make my own variation of a traditional pattern (like log cabin).

  113. I use mags, or books to come up with my designs. I'm a new follower!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  114. I have used EQ to design many of my own quilts. I think I have only followed one pattern from Bonnie Hunter's website.

  115. Ohhh I love snowmen and the fabric is so pretty.
    What a nice giveaway..
    Thanks for the chance...


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