Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fab 4 Quilt Along

Imagine all the people living life in peace. 
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. 
I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
John Lennon

If you have been following the news at all lately then you know that this week marks the 50th anniversary of the British Invasion of America by The Beatles.  While I was only 9 years old at the time I do remember watching the news with all the screaming teenage girls and seeing them preform on The Ed Sullivan Show.  
Needless to say coming of age in a world after this invasion had a great impact on my life. They were the first band to make such an epic trip across the pond but certainly not the last.  Their songs and those of the Rolling Stones, Herman's Hermits and many others bring back fond memories of Junior High and High School.  Their songs were a daily constant in my life anytime the radio was on and at every dance I attended.
So what does this have to do with a quilt?  Well, I was going through some of my UFOs the other day and came across a block and quilt that I had designed when I had my quilt shop.  I had designed the block as part of a Block of the Month but I liked it enough to start a quilt with it.  { The quilt along logo has a design hint ;-)  }  I have been thinking about sharing some of my designs with my readers here since I started the blog and I think this is one you can have some fun with.  It is very easy, mostly strip pieced and fast to make.  It will be a good one for baby or charity quilts and can easily serve as a background for fun applique.  If you want to play along with me then I will need a little 

to spread the word.  I'm working on the button.  What I did last time for one isn't working very well today but you can copy the URL for it by right clicking the logo in the sidebar or at the top of this post.  I hope to get the code up soon.


- I will be posting fabric requirements this week.  Sizes from a small Wall Quilt to Bed size. 

- Instructions will go up next Sunday, February 9th the 50th Anniversary of The Ed Sullivan Show performance.  

- I have a Flicker Group where pictures and progress can be posted. 

- On the 16th the Linky Party will open for the rest of the month so you can add pictures of your project.  

- There will be a prize or two involved also.  (If you want to Sponsor a Prize let me know.)

- I'll try to throw in some fun Beatles Trivia along the way.

This is my First Quilt Along so if you have any hints or ideas about what I can do to make it better PLEASE let me know!  I think you will like it and we will have FUN!


  1. You are a baby. I was 11, I guess when they were on the Ed Sullivan show. If I remember correctly I was in 7th grade. Some of the girls collected bubble gum cards of the Beatles. Other girls at school went absolutely insane. I didn't quite understand it. I did enjoy some of their music. In high school, I dated a guy who was a DJ and quite into music. I think we saw all the Beatles movies. We lived in a small town - it did have two theaters and since we went to the movies every weekend, we saw all the acceptable movies at each theater. I guess you saw Paul and Ringo on the Grammy Awards and, of course, Yoko? Thanks for a great idea. I do have a blog and don't post, so I'm not much help to pass the word. I do follow you. So, I'll be following along. Thanks for another great idea.

  2. Wow what a great idea. I am definitely will be doing this with you. I actually went to the Maple Leaf gardens in 1964 and 1965 to see the Beatles. Great show if you could here it.. I was 12 years old and my sister had to take me and my cousinn Maybe I will make a wall hanging for all 3 of us..
    Thanks again


I really love to read your comments and get feedback on my ideas!
Please let me know what you think about my posts and projects.
I will respond to your messages as soon as I can.

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