Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Design Wall Catch Up

Contrary to popular belief an artist is never ahead of his time, but most people are far behind theirs. 
Edward Varese

I have been having a productive month!  I will share some of my finishes in a day or two.  If I have been absent from the blog it is because I have been having to adjust my weeks to going to physical therapy twice a week.  I am making progress, my legs are getting stronger and I don't have much pain unless you count the sore muscles. ;-)

Spring is coming!

More daffodils are blooming each day.  There are several clumps opening up.  Some years they all bloom together but it doesn't look like that will happen this year.

Last week this tumbler quilt was on my 'new' design wall.  No. I still haven't made a dent in my Christmas fabrics even though this is the 3rd of 4th Christmas quilt I've done in the last few years.  This is my first time making a tumbler quilt.

Finished Top on 'New' Design Wall

With my knee problem it was hard for me to get in our high bed so we removed the box springs, replaced them with plywood.  The box springs were just leaning against the wall in the spare room.  We haven't made a decision yet about whether or not we are keeping the mattress set we have or getting another one that would be lower.  Since I am sewing upstairs the box springs seemed like the perfect thing to use for a design wall.  It's working very well!

Close up of Tumbler Quilt

This is the tumbler quilt that I cut out with the Marti Michell template.  I posted about the template here.  It went together easily.  The top is finished but not pressed at all.  I didn't do any pressing because the iron is downstairs.  Sometimes a little fingerpressing is all that is needed anyway.  It worked fine this time for sure.  The seams all matched up great!  I didn't redo any of them except for one piece I swapped out for a different color.

Edge of  Tumbler Quilt

When I was cutting it out I sometimes could not get a whole tumbler from the piece at the end of the strip I was cutting from.  If I could get a half tumbler I cut one so they could be used at the edges.  I will trim this off evenly after I get it pressed.

Accuquilt die cut tumblers

This is what is on my design wall this week.  I cut this out in December at the charity quilting group using the Accuquilt tumbler die.  I hung it up vertically after doing the other one I figured out it might be easier to do it that way.

Better color in this picture

This is made with a group of Moda homespuns.  The blues and oranges together are making it a very happy quilt.  I'm almost ready to sew the rows together.

Misty in a favorite spot

Misty, my miniature Schnauzer, was very sick after the holidays.  She may have eaten some people food which doesn't agree with her.  She is all better now and back to sleeping the day away waiting for my husband to get home so she can pester him to take her out.


  1. Menina,menina...cuide bem deste joelho,ai,aia,ai...(bronca)Quero fazer uma colcha de copos para o meu neto,acho que é bem masculina.Fis uma de placas(que está na moda por aqui)para minha neta.Agora minha filha quer uma de aplicações com cestas de flores...Acho que não terei muito tempo para tanto trabalho.Beijos e Bençãos

  2. Out of adversity comes opportunity = boxspring design wall! I love the Moda homespun tumbler quilt! Great colors. Glad to hear you're doing better.

  3. Your Christmas tumbler quilt looks lovely Patricia, and the design wall was inspired :)

    Thanks for linking up too.

  4. Love your tumblers - I got a template and really want to make one out of scraps soon. Our Cocker Spaniel is named Misty, so I'm really partial to Misty dogs. Glad yours is feeling better!

  5. Beautiful tumbler quilts and Misty is sure a cutie! Hope you continue to improve with physical therapy! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. Your tumblers look great! Here I am enjoying fresh snow and you have daffodils... oh my!

  7. I love your blue and orange tumblers. I have tumblers on my to-do list soon too.

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